The Consolidated Plan includes a needs assessment and five-year strategy for the expenditure of CDBG, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), formally known, and referred to as, Emergency Shelter Grant in
this planning document, funding for the Los Angeles Urban County.
2023-2028 Consolidated Plan
The Los Angeles Urban County One-Year Action Plan contains the Countyā€™s strategy to carry out housing and community development activities funded by Federal formula grants received in the Program Year from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD). These funds are from the CDBG, HOME, and ESG Programs.
2024-2025 One-Year Action Plan
Volume I Volume II Addendum Substantial Amendment
2023-2024 One-Year Action Plan
Volume I Volume II Addendum
The CAPER summarizes Los Angeles County's (County) annual performance for the HUD formula grant programs: CDBG, HOME, and ESG. The LACDA administers these grants for the County. The CAPER report contains two volumes.
Volume I provides a narrative description of CDBG, HOME, and ESG Programs.
Volume II consists of activity reports, including summaries of accomplishments for all funded activities.
FY 2023-2024 CAPER
FY 2022-2023 CAPER
FY 2021-2022 CAPER
FY 2020-2021 CAPER
FY 2019-2020 CAPER
The AI goals are included in the final 2023 ā€“ 2028 Consolidated Plan and subsequent Annual Action Plans.
The LACDA has developed a matrix in the link below, which will be updated each year within the Annual Action Plan, to show how the agency may become involved in other agency plans or programs to address various potential impediments/contributing factors identified by stakeholders during the development of the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH)/Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. It also indicates other efforts that may be addressing the potential impediments. This matrix is a work in-progress and will be updated annually.
The LACDA developed a joint AFH which is required by HUD as a condition of receiving Federal funding to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH) within the jurisdiction.
After completing and submitting the AFH in October 2017, HUD released a Notice on January 5, 2018, which notified program participants that HUD will discontinue the review of AFHs currently under review. Starting at this date, consolidated plan program participants must continue to comply with existing, ongoing obligations to affirmatively further fair housing. Until a consolidated plan program participant is required to submit an AFH, it will continue to provide the AFFH Consolidated plan certification in accordance with the requirements that existed prior to August 17, 2015.
As the LACDA had already submitted the AFH for review, but had not yet been accepted by HUD, the LACDA is meeting AFFH requirements through the development of an AI, utilizing the information from the AFH, including the assessment, contributing factors, and goals. In addition, the final AI includes public comments received on the draft AFH as well as any responses to those comments.
The Community Profile serves as a resource tool to guide the LACDA's community development activities and to prioritize the use of CDBG and other funds within the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. The Community Profile was first developed in 1987 and then revised in 1997 and 2004. The 2016 Community Profile updates the 2004 document using 2010 Census data and 2014 American Community Survey five-year estimates as well as new field assignments to identify target areas, referred to as "Strategy Areas," which are eligible for CDBG funding.
Los Angeles County Resources
County Mapping Service
Department of Consumer and Business Affairs
Los Angeles County Fire Department
Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation
Department of Public Health
LA County Public Library
Department of Public Works
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Partner Agencies
California Highway Patrol, Southern Division
Housing Rights Center
UC Cooperative Extension (Los Angeles County)
LACDA Division Resources
Voucher Programs, Landlord Incentives, Homeless Assistance, Self-Sufficiency Programs
Public Housing, Onsite Resident Services
Home Improvement Programs
Home Ownership Programs