This Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Program amendment is available for a 30-day public review and comment period from September 14, 2023 to October 13, 2023. Citizens wishing to submit written comments during the public review and comment period may mail them, postmarked no later than October 13, 2023, to the following:
Los Angeles County Development Authority
Community Development Division-Grants Management Unit
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Attention: Jenny Salazar, Development Specialist
You may also email comments no later than October 13, 2023 to Ms. Jenny Salazar at
This is an amendment to the PLHA Program Five-Year Plan 2019-2023 for the Los Angeles Urban County to enable the County of Los Angeles (County) to administer PLHA funding from the California Department of Housing and Community Development made available through the revenue generated through the $75 recordation fee on real estate transactions established by the Building Homes and Jobs Act. The PLHA Program provides a permanent source of funding to cities and counties to help meet the unmet need for affordable housing and increase the supply of affordable housing units.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development requires jurisdictions to submit an amendment to the PLHA Program 5-Year Plan when there is a change in funding to various eligible activities by more than ten percent (10%). The amendment will help the County prioritize investments that increase the supply of affordable housing.
The amendment will revise the use of funding for eligible activities in Year One (1) through Year Five (5). The revision reallocates funds to PLHA eligible programs including housing and services for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness, funding the development of multifamily rental and affordable housing, matching funds placed into Local and Regional Housing Trust Funds, and homeownership opportunities.
Background on the Five-Year Plan:
The Los Angeles County PLHA Five-Year Plan contains the Countyā€™s strategy to carry out activities that will increase the affordable housing supply for households through the following:
1. Providing loans for the predevelopment, development, site acquisition, and construction/permanent financing for affordable multifamily housing for households with incomes at or below 150% AMI.
2. Providing loans for the predevelopment, development, and rehabilitation of affordable rental and ownership housing including Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) for households up to 150% of AMI.
3. Providing matching funds to the Local and Regional Housing Trust to fund and finance the planning and construction of homeless housing, and extremely low, very low, and low-income housing projects.
4. Assisting persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness with income less than 30% AMI through rental assistance programs, providing rapid rehousing, operating and capital costs for navigation centers and emergency shelters; and services through the County's Eviction Defense Program. Allocation Year 2019 is the only funding that can be utilized for eviction defense.
5. Homeownership opportunities including but not limited to down-payment assistance for household up to 150% AMI.
The PLHA Five-Year Plan is consistent with the programs set forth by Los Angeles County to prioritize activities and investments that will increase the supply of affordable housing for Los Angeles County residents.
The Los Angeles Urban County includes all the unincorporated areas of the County and the following 46 cities: