The Resident Services Program (RSP) operates in the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) public housing developments. The RSPā€™s mission is to assist with self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life for over 6,000 children, families, seniors, and persons with disabilities living in public housing through the delivery of quality programs and services.


Onsite services include information and referral (on and offsite) intake and ongoing assessment, case plan development, crisis intervention, client monitoring, and non-client drop-ins. Additional counseling services are provided by a local community agency and a clinical master's level trainee program.

These centers provide safe and supportive learning environments which serve as an after-school alternative for many at-risk youth living in public housing. The centers are equipped with computer labs to enhance learning. Youth are able to receive one-on-one assistance that they would not receive at home. Through these programs, youth are able to increase their math and reading comprehension skills, along with developing self-esteem and confidence.

Each after-school program has a youth development component.  LACDA staff engages youth in sports programs, nutrition classes, music lessons, etc. These programs support self-esteem, self-expression, team building, and creates positive social interaction through recreation, gender-specific groups, and youth leadership, and assist youth in discovering skills and qualities within themselves.

Additionally, at the Family Learning Centers, services are provided to promote economic self-sufficiency through the provision of educational workshops, and classes such as English as a Second Language (ESL) and computer skills that can lead to gainful employment. The goal is for residents to become active and successful members of their communities. Workforce development activities provide comprehensive services, which include skills assessments, job counseling and placement assistance, employment skills development, credit counseling, and family budget assistance.

Coordinated supportive services are provided to assist in enhancing the public housing residents' ability to age in place and improve their quality of life. Services include case management, home delivered meals, transportation, cultural activities, light exercise, safety and financial workshops, and field trips. Many of the programs are facilitated by local community partnerships

JJCPA is designed to provide case management and supervision for at-risk youth and probationers living at the Carmelitos, Harbor Hills, Nueva Maravilla, and South Scattered public housing developments. Additionally, JJCPA staff, a Youth Services Specialist, and Deputy Probation Officer, assist youth and their families in gaining access to resources and services that will aid them in becoming self-sufficient, thereby reducing risk factors associated with juvenile delinquency. Services and activities include the following:

- Tutoring and homework assistance
- Family literacy
- Cultural, social, and recreation activities
- Substance abuse and alcohol counseling
- Gang intervention
- Parenting classes
- Family counseling
- Gender-specific programs
- Job training and placement
- Community service opportunities

The role of a Resident Council (RC) is to improve the quality of life and resident satisfaction in self-help initiatives to enable residents to create a positive living environment for individuals and families living public housing. The RCs actively participate and are formally recognized through an executed Memorandum of Understanding with the LACDA. The RC membership consists of a democratically governing board elected by the voting membership. RCs serve as the voice of the housing communities that elect them. They have their individual priority programs and goals depending upon the demographics, needs, and aspirations of their communities.

RC Forums

The LACDA holds a quarterly gathering of RC board members and provides workshops on varying topics throughout the year which may include: policies, community resources, how to run an effective meeting, safety issues, and the budgeting process.

These meetings are held quarterly on the second Tuesday of the following months: January, April, July, and October.