On August 17, 2015, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (Board) launched the Homeless Initiative to combat the homeless crisis that continues to plague the region. On February 9, 2016, the Board unanimously approved a landmark plan that represents the most comprehensive effort ever undertaken by the County to combat homelessness. The broad initiative includes 47 strategies that were approved on the same day that the City of Los Angeles also acted to address the homeless crisis. Together, the strategies aim to attack the root causes of homelessness.

The Homeless Initiative recognizes that subsidized housing is critical in combating and preventing homelessness by enabling thousands of individuals and families to afford safe, stable housing. Historically, the Federal government has provided the funding for the vast majority of subsidized housing, however, Federal funding has declined over recent years, as the need for subsidized housing has increased. Further, in 2012, the State of California dissolved all redevelopment agencies in California eliminating an additional affordable housing funding source. Due to this funding gap, there has been increased focus on the potential for local government to supplement Federal funding for subsidized housing.

The Countyā€™s Homeless Initiative strategies represent the best thinking of frontline stakeholders from all walks of life. The Los Angeles County Development Authority is proud to be a key player in this monumental effort.

For more information about the Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative, please click here.