Elisa Vásquez


Elisa Vásquez
Communications and Public Affairs
(626) 586-1762

Elisa Vásquez has had oversight of the agency’s Communications and Public Affairs Unit since 2007.  Ms. Vásquez has almost 30 years of public service experience, having served in various capacities within the organization as well as with other government and non-profit service providers, including the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and Los Angeles Universal Preschool.

Ms. Vásquez’ responsibilities include oversight of marketing, media coordination, public information, and legislative analysis. As the agency’s Public Information Officer, Ms. Vásquez and her team have oversight of the agency's website content, social media pages, and marketing material. She also coordinates responses to all requests received pursuant to the California Public Records Act as well as all media communications, which includes responding to inquiries, writing media advisories and releases, and scheduling print or on-camera interviews.  Serving as the primary point of contact with all elected officials at the Federal, State, and local levels, Ms. Vásquez and her team work with County legislative staff and advocates in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., to develop recommendations and draft correspondence including position papers, promote key legislative and strategic messages, and assist with policy development. 

Additionally, Ms. Vásquez serves on the Quality and Productivity Commission’s Productivity Manager’s Network. The Productivity Managers' Network is comprised of employee representatives from each County Department who have been designated as Quality and Productivity Managers by their department heads. Ms. Vásquez served as the Network’s Productivity and Quality Awards Co-Chair for many years and was the recipient of the 2016 Productivity Manager of Year Award. 

Ms. Vásquez holds a Master of Science degree in Public Administration from California State University Los Angeles and a Bachelor’s degree from Loyola Marymount University.